We went ice skating this morning. Tyler's best friend came with us. We had a nice time. I think Danielle would like to take ice skating lessons at some point. Maybe this fall between softball and basketball?! We have gone enough times that we have a pretty good routine down now. The kids wear one pair of their own socks and two pairs of mine. I wear two pairs, too. It's not so bad carrying all the clean socks in, but it's kind of gross carrying all the dirty ones out. Somehow that's always my job.

We enjoyed lunch out afterward and then went back to Tyler's friend's house. She is breeding rabbits for 4H. Her rabbit just had her first liter 4 days ago and she let us hold them. They were silky soft. The kids have been asking for a rabbit for a few months now. This did not help. I think the baby just peed on Danielle in this picture. I really do make my son shower & wash his hands periodically. I don't know why his nails always look so grimy!


his afternoon we noticed Danielle's hermit crab finally changed shells. We bought these when we got back from vacation in early August. The kids lost interest in them in late August. I stopped feeding them around December and stopped watering them sometime in January. And instead of dying, the stubborn thing molted. These things are almost as stubborn as the carnival goldfish Danielle won one year. Those things would not die no matter how much I purposefully ignored them! Thankfully the crabs don't take up much room and don't require a tank cleaning. (Well, they probably do, but I'm not going to do it.)
1 comment:
The crab thing is funny because Andy's kids did the same--ignored them. They weren't sure if they were dead or alive.
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