Our baby birds are getting bigger, but they still won't cooperate for a good picture. I don't think they can open their eyes yet, and they aren't peeping yet, either. Shouldn't be too much longer, though.
Danielle loves looking at the horses every time we drive by this barn just outside our development. They've had a couple foals this spring. They were rather uncooperative, too. Most of the time this little guy would either hide between his parents or flop down in the tall grass. I guess no kid likes to stand still long enough to have his picture taken.

I begged this kid to stand still when we were leaving Girl Scouts last night. She's usually kind enough to indulge her snap-happy mom. (You rarely see pictures of Tyler because he is not.) Last night was their last meeting until school starts again. They had a lady come speak to them about manners and they had a little tea party. Danielle really enjoyed it.
There are only 5 days of school left after today. Hallelujah!
Annalise has started really liking horses too :) And Caleb was really disappointed that I wouldn't ask you to mail us a robin egg! Even after I showed him the picture of the hatched babies!
I think a lot of girls go through a phase where they love horses. Danielle is attending a Girl Scout horse camp in a couple weeks. I think her obsession will only get worse.
If I had been thinking, I would have saved an egg shell for him. We found some of the blue shells on the ground in our backyard.
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