The kids and I entertained ourselves with Legos this evening. Here are our creations.

Tyler built a house with rooms (which you can't see because he insisted on putting on a roof) and a surrounding yard. He especially liked the electric fence, which connects to an electrical box. That's a giant squid resting of the roof, just because.

Danielle built a few people and a little car raceway. The guy has his hands in his pockets. The girl has a bow in her hair and is wearing gloves. Hopefully you can tell the yellow animal is a horse. The person with the umbrella is supposed to be Mary Poppins with her hair in a pony tail.

The kids seemed to have a ton of ideas and just kept building. I, on the other hand, must be getting less creative as I get older. It took me the same amount of time to come up with a boat, a few people playing in the water, a couple people fishing, and someone about to fall off the boat. Kind of pathetic. Even so, we had a very nice evening together.
This is totally unrelated, but worthy of sharing. As of tomorrow morning we will be puke free for 1 week! Tyler had been throwing up weekly (or more) for the past 6 weeks. We started him on some acid reflux medicine, and it seems to be doing the job! Hooray!
Thought of Tyler as I watched a TV report of someone who built a replica of the OSU stadium all of legos. Said he used 2000. Tyler probably has enough.
There was a news story about the Lego stadium here, too, but the builder used 450000 Legos! Pretty sure we don't have that many!
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