Sadly, our Christmas break is rapidly coming to a close. For the most part we've had a really nice time together. We really didn't do much.
A couple days ago we ventured out to the pet store. The

highlight of that day was watching Snappy chase around a little fish we bought for him to eat. (It was his first fishy.)
Yesterday afternoon we went to the zoo and then stuck around until it was dark enough to enjoy the Christmas lights. We had a good time. It's been a long time since we've gone to the zoo as a family.

Today Danielle and I goofed around in the back yard for awhile and enjoyed the temporary thaw and spring-like temperatures. Ron and Tyler finally started making their Pinewood Derby car. We have a full evening of games, movies and appropriate movie-night snacks lined up to get us up to ball-dropping time. It's been a very restful break, and it's been nice to spend it together.

Looking back, I'm thankful our 2010 was about as uneventful as our Christmas break. There were the usual ups and downs, but nothing too dramatic or catastrophic. None of us had any major health issues. Ron still has a job, and even enjoys it most days. In addition to lots of fun day trips here and there, we were lucky enough to go on 3 vacations this year. We enjoyed special times together, lazy days, and visits with family. I have so much to be thankful for, and I'm sure I haven't been nearly as grateful as I should be. I thank God for all His blessings on our family this past year, and for all the times and ways He's protecte
d us when we didn't even know

we needed it.

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