I am in charge of volunteers for the lunch room this year. Since volunteer forms aren't due back until this Friday, I've been trying to help out a lot. If it wasn't so terribly hot in there, it would be kind of fun. I enjoy seeing Tyler & Danielle, and it's fun to listen to the kids talk. Today someone almost caught the microwave on fire. A girl microwaved her bagel...for 2 minutes. We were just seconds away from flames. It was kind of exciting. :) The other day Tyler's class was done eating lunch and wanted to go outside for recess. Their teacher had stepped out for a minute before dismissing them. One boy was impatient and, wanting me to dismiss them, asked me, "Um, are you allowed to, you know, boss us around and stuff?" I got a kick out of that. Today I overhead a couple 2nd graders talking about how disgusting boogers are but sometimes you just have to get in there and dig them out. I suppose they're right.
Other random things:
We saw the International Space Station when it was visible last Friday. It was very bright and moved very fast. Ron swears he could see the solar arrays with my high-powered binoculars. I read online that that is possible, so we had to believe him. Although the kids only saw a bright light, they thought it was pretty cool. (We showed them online pictures of what it really looks like.)
We have 10 chrysalises on 2 plants. (There are 6 in this picture.) Unfortunately they will
probably all eclose while we are out of town this weekend. We moved them all back outside once they made their chrysalises, so they will probably be long gone by the time we get back.
Someone in our area took a picture of the space station with a zoom lens and although it was blurred, you could make out the solar panels. Have fun this weekend.
I am concerned that something has happened to the monarchs down here. Maybe they come and go I don't know, but we haven't had any caterpillars in a few months. I saw a butterfly in our backyard, but when we checked for eggs, there were none.
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