We warmed up to a balmy 50 degrees today!! It was cloudy and overcast ALL day, but it was not freezing. That was good enough for us! The kids went out to play around 11, came in for lunch, and went back out until 5. It was so nice to get some fresh air!
The kids finally had a chance to try out their new roller skates on a "slippery" surface, rather than the carpet in the playroom. There were arms and legs flailing everywhere (notice the knees) and lots of "umphs" for the first several minutes, but it got better. Sadly Tyler did not knock that dangling front tooth out, though. I was impressed with how long they stuck to it. Of course, they most enjoyed riding their bikes and scooters, even while wearing their winter coats and gloves.
I mentioned on my previous post that my goal is to blog more frequently but I don't always have anything to blog about. I ran across someone on FB who is posting a picture a day on their profile, just for something to do, I guess. I thought that sounded like a good idea for my blog. I don't know that I'll post every day, but maybe I'll just post a picture every couple days even if I don't have anything to say. That would give me an excuse to play w/my new camera more, too. We'll see...
It would have been a good day to put up the new tire swing.
Pictures are good - we love to see those beautiful smiling faces.
Grandma C
We did put up the new tire swing! Danielle was playing with the broken one on the ground. Then they decided to swing it over the top of the playset to try to use it as a basketball hoop. Good in theory, not so good in practice.
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