All that preparation and excitement for Christmas, and it's over so quickly. We had a really nice day today. None of us changed out of our pjs all day. We exchanged gifts, ate a good meal, and just enjoyed being together. It was a lazy Saturday at its best, with the bonus of presents thrown in!
Here are some highlights from our Christmas "weekend".

On Thursday we celebrated Christmas with my dad, stepmom, stepsister & brother-in-law, and niece & nephew. We had a nice evening together. (All my pictures turned out a little dark.)

Yesterday we celebrated Christmas with my mom, stepdad, and brother. We had a good day together. It's funny what turns out to be the kids' favorite gifts. Tyler's "headlamp" was a huge hit. Danielle (& Ron) enjoyed her loom kit. By the end of next week I expect to have lots of new potholders.

Last night Tyler read the Christmas story from the Bible for us. This year Danielle wanted to read, too, so she read
Twas the Night Before Christmas. She stumbled over a couple words but did remarkably well. I know the picture of the kids with their stockings in front of the tree isn't the best, but I was struck by how big the kids look. They are growing up so fast.

We had a great morning. Tyler got the Spy Trakr that he wanted. It really is a cool toy. (And since I bought it for considerably less than full retail price, it was a really good deal, too!) He got lots of other goodies, too. Danielle got the Rapunzel Hair Braider Barbie she wanted. I was hesitant to get it for her because the reviews were so bad, but it was her most requested toy. The reviews were right. It is pretty much a piece of junk that includes a Barbie doll. Thankfully I found a deal on that, too. She also got an American Girl doll, which she loved, and lots of other goodies.

In addition to all our material blessings this Christmas, we're most thankful for the gift of God's Son. It was nice to hear the kids include their thanks for Jesus in their prayers tonight - especially since it was unprompted. Merry Christmas, everyone.