Yesterday we attended the carnival at the kids' school. We always have a good time, and this year was no exception. The kids played lots of little games and won little trinkets. We talked the kids out of getting their faces painted this year. Instead, we used the same amount of tickets and all did the cake walk. I won, and the kids were excited to pick out our goody - the graveyard cake I made and donated. They were SO excited, too. It was funny. At least I won't have to make one for us this month!

Some of the games were held in the classrooms, so we got to see a little of their work, too. Danielle's class is studying Johnny Appleseed. Here is a picture she colored about Johnny.

Tyler's class made faces to represent themselves. I asked him about the brown mark on his forehead, to which he replied, "That's my swoop!"

The kids (all 3) enjoyed carnival goodies. (And this is why Danielle ALWAYS wears shorts with her dresses!)

The highlight of the carnival this year was when Tyler was picked to silly string the principal. Since we have a little, uh,
history with the principal, this was especially delightful to him. Actually, she was a very good sport and Tyler had a lot of fun. As you can see, he aimed for the only unexposed body part - her face.
It was a good day.


Here is a picture of Tyler before heading out to sell popcorn. Thank you to everyone who ordered some! After going door-to-door, he's decided maybe he'd like to be a salesman when he grows up.
We decided to sign the kids up for AWANA this fall. Danielle started last week, and Tyler started tonight. They really like it, but Danielle especially so. She eagerly memorized her Bible verse, John 3:16, this week. I am ashamed that I did not even think about having her memorize it before now. We worked on little verses here and there while she was in preschool, but it seems like I should have reinforced one of the most meaningful verses in the Bible before she was 6! (I am hanging my head.) She really wanted her grandparents to hear her say her verse, so here it is:
Aunt Joyce says - my favorite part of the silly string picture is the look on Ron's face. It's priceless.
This Grandma is very proud of her!
I think he would have enjoyed silly stringing her, too. :)
Yup. Looks like Ron is living vicariously through his son.
Great job on John 3:16! And Lori, she may not have been ready to learn it before now. Pick up that head and hold it high. You are a great mommy!
I love the swoop on Tyler's head! That is fantastic!
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