The kids had an early release day yesterday, so we planned for Ron to take off work early so we could go to the pumpkin farm. We couldn't find a pumpkin farm that was open on Friday that we thought was worth the money though, so we decided to go to a pumpkin festival instead. It was chilly and wet, but we bundled up and the rain cleared shortly after we got there. We ended up having a very nice time.

The kids enjoyed the giant pumpkins and we even bought their pumpkins (to carve) there. They are HUGE! We passed up the pumpkin chili, the deep fried pumpkin blossom, and the pumpkin burgers but tried the pumpkin ice cream. It was surprisingly good! We had a really good time.

This afternoon we joined Tyler's Cub Scout pack at a local pumpkin farm. It's the same one Danielle's preschool class visited the past 2 years, but we did a lot more tonight. The kids enjoyed all the different activities.

We walked throught the maze.

The kids rode in the cow train several times.

Ron and the kids played laser tag with these special guns & headbands. It was fun to watch.

The corn cannon was pretty cool, too. Ron impressed Tyler by hitting the target on his second try.

Our admission price also included a pie sized pumpkin. Danielle found a "baby" pumpkin that she thought was "cute". Their pumpkins were very picked over.
Tyler was also awarded his first badge tonight. He's earned patches, but this was his first badge, which will become a permanent part of his uniform. We finished off our evening by roasting hot dogs and marshmallows. It was another good fall day, despite the below average fall temperatures.
And in other news, Tyler and I went to a Lego Club meeting this morning. We had a really good time. It was fun to watch Tyler interact with all the other Lego-crazed kids. I forgot my camera, though, and still haven't figured out how to get pictures off my not-so-new phone, so you'll have to take my word for it.

I think Danielle is excited about our upcoming vacation. We are going on a cruise and have been talking to the kids about going snorkeling. Now that they can swim and are not as afraid of the water, we though they might enjoy trying it. Danielle drew this earlier today.