Today was Danielle's first day of kindergarten. She was so nervous, I had a difficult time getting good pictures before she left. She looked like she was grimacing in many of them. Tyler was a super big brother today and fulfilled his duties wonderfully. (Danielle requested he hold her hand when it was time to get on the bus.) He gave her lots of extra hugs before leaving the house and even volunteered to put his arm around her in the picture I wanted of the two of

them together. It was pretty cute seeing both their little faces peek out the bus window at me, too. I'm so thankful they're buddies.

A different girl hopped off the bus this afternoon! She had such a good day. She didn't stop talking until dinner time. She can't wait to go back on Friday. Her favorite part of the day? Riding the bus with Tyler.

Since Danielle prefers brownies rather than cake, and since we just had cake last week, I made her first-day-of-school brownies instead. She was surprised and enjoyed sharing them with her neighborhood friends while they were all playing this evening.

I can't believe my "baby" is in kindergarten. Where has the time gone?!!!
Glad she had a great day :)
Why is she not going back until Friday?
She goes full days on Tuesdays, Fridays, and every other Wednesday. Although this was her week to go on Wednesday, too, they have a staggered start for kindergarten. That means 1/2 the class goes one day, the other 1/2 the next. That way the teacher can spend more time explaining the routine, showing them around the school, etc. So, she and 9 other kids in her class went yesterday. The other 10 are going today. All 20 of them will go on Friday. Sounds crazier than it is once you get into the routine. Tyler had the same schedule when he was in kindergarten.
Ok, I remember you telling me about Tyler having a schedule like that now that I think about it. How do parents who work deal with that?
Thankfully I've never had to worry about that. :) We do get the schedule ahead of time, so we know what Wednesdays they go. The real problem is that the school waits so late in the summer to let us know which schedule we're on - usually not until the week or 2 before school starts. I would think that would be a bigger problem for working parents trying to juggle a schedule.
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