When Tyler got his new, bigger bike a couple weeks ago, he asked if he could ride his bike to school sometime. That seemed like a reasonable request and something that most boys would think was kind of fun, so I agreed. Since the kids aren't allowed to ride their bikes out of my line-of-sight yet, that meant I had to go with him. So this morning Ron went into work late s
o he could stay with Danielle while Tyler and I rode the 1.3 miles to the school. Tyler was really excited and enjoyed waving at his bus driver (who "yelled" at him to get to school) and the other kids we passed along the way. There was some question about whether or not he was allowed to ride his bike to school because he's not in 4th grade, but we decided not to ask for clarification of the rules so we wouldn't be knowingly breaking any. It rained a little this afternoon but stopped just in time for Danielle and I to ride over to the school to meet him. He must have been the first kid out of the building and he talked all the way home! I know he enjoyed himself, and I'm glad it was something we were able to do.

Tyler's last day of school is a week from today, but they're already winding down. I feel like he's been doing a lot of busy work this week. Tomorrow is the last day for the reading program Tyler's in. Tyler was excited to report that today he moved up another level to 5.5! If he keeps up all the reading over the summer, I'm sure he'll be up to a 6th grade reading level by the time school starts, if not higher. The books in the school library for this reading program only go up to 7.9, so I'll be curious to see what happens when he hits that mark early in the 2nd grade. Have I mentioned how proud I am of him?

1 comment:
That last week was just awful when I taught school (all two years of it), you feel the whole time like they should have just ended it a week ago because the kids know the end is near and it feels like there's no point in starting anything new!
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