I'm putting together a baby shower for Danielle's preschool teacher. One of the games I thought the kids would enjoy is Name That Baby. I managed to get a picture of the teacher when she was a baby, and have received some pictures of other kids in the class. Tyler has always looked like Tyler, but I've always thought that Danielle looks so much different than she did as a baby. When I look at these pictures, though, I can see the same Danielle, especially in the eyes. Regardless of what picture you look at, you have to admit she's pretty.
4 months
7 months
5 years, 5 months

She is pretty :) What is the game? I am co-hosting a baby shower in April.
All the kids are bringing in baby pictures. I'm going to hang all their pictures (including the teacher's) and have the kids guess whose picture belongs to whom. We're also playing pass the baby (like hot potato) & all the kids are decorating various size onesies to give as a gift to the baby.
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