Tonight was our town's trick-or-treat night. Tyler had a fever and cough, but how can you make a kid miss the one night a year that's designed especially for kids?! We gave him some Tylenol and let him do what he felt he could, which turned out to be quite a bit (except he couldn't take a good picture, apparently). He's supposed to have a field trip to the pumpkin patch, a costume parade, and party at school tomorrow. Hopefully he'll feel better.

We had so many kids this year. We always have a lot, but there were even more this year. I went through 8 bags of candy bars in the first 50 minutes! After that I resorted to pilfering candy from the stuff the kids had already brought home. Not all the neighboring towns had their trick-or-treat nights tonight, so I'm sure we had a lot of people from other neighborhoods. I've decided there should be a rule that no one older than 6th grade should be allowed to trick-or-treat and another rule stating you must wear a costume in order to get candy. The late high school age kid that walked up to me and held his jacket pocket out for me to put candy into really cemeted my feelings on those issues.

Anyway... my kids had fun, looked cute, and got way too much candy. Happy Halloween!
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