Last week both kids came home from school bearing bags with secret gifts. Danielle brought hers home on Thursday and quickly hid it in her room. Tyler brought his gifts home on Friday. When he got off the bus that afternoon, he immediately launched into a story about how he tripped when he was getting on the bus and all the dirt spilled out but he brushed it all back in the bag and hopefully everything was ok... I felt bad for him because I could just imagine him hurrying to the bus, excited to get home with his prizes. Then he tripped and spilled everything. How disappointing. I reassured him that
whatever was in the bag was probably still perfect.
When we got in the house he begged me to open his gift. Danielle ran upstairs and grabbed her gift, too. They were so excited and proud of themselves. How could I resist?
I especially liked Tyler's bag because I could tell he wrote the words on it all by himself. (It said "I love you" on the other side.) His bag held a flower (and some loose dirt). He decorated the "pot". He also made a little book to go with it. He said he wrote the note by himself, too. It was interesting to read what he enjoys doing with me. His handwriting looks so nice! It was very sweet and definitely
something I'll hang onto for years to come.
Danielle proudly presented me with a butterfly and heart that said "#1 Mom". She was especially proud of the heart. They were both beautiful and I was touched by how meaningful her hand crafted items seemed to be to her. I know she had me in mind while she made these. This was the first year she got to work on something special for me, and she really took pride in it. These are going in my keepsake box, too.
This morning each kid gave me a potted plant and a card. It's so amazing to look at how much their handwriting (in their cards) has improved just since last year. My mom, stepdad, & brother came over to celebrate with us today, too, and we had a very nice time. It was a good day to be Mom.
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