All the kindergarten classes at Tyler's school took a field trip to the farm today. (This is the same
farm I took the kids to at the end of last summer.) Grandma C watched Danielle so I could enjoy the trip with Tyler. (Thanks, Mom.)
The parents got to ride on the bus with the kids, which Tyler thought was pretty cool.

The classes went on an animal tour where they learned a little about the various animals on this particular farm. The kids especially liked the calf, baby llama, and little kittens. There weren't any baby bunnies this time. Tyler really enjoyed feeding the deer. It's amazing to me how big the buck's antlers grow in just a few short months. He's just starting to grow them now. If you click on the farm link above and check out my pictures from August, you'll see how big his antlers were then.

After our animal tour, we took a hay ride up to the woods. The guide talked about different animal habitats and how seeds are spread. Tyler thought the guy stopped the wagon and talked too much. He just wanted to ride & cover me with straw.

After the hayride the kids had time for a break in the playbarn, then they each took a turn riding a horse. This time Tyler rode Spongebob.

Tyler's class
They finished off their trip with a picnic lunch and more time in the play barn. It was a good trip.
Once again I feel the need to thank my husband for the opportunity to be a stay-at-home-mom. I realize it's a team effort, but he works very hard to make it a reality. It would have been very difficult to be as involved as I have been this past year (including the past two days) if I had to schedule around a job. Our kids won't always want me around, but right now they're really enjoying sharing these experiences with me. I intend to take advantage of that as long as possible.