We decided to take it easy the first full day we were there, so we picked a park we knew wouldn't fill our entire day. It was kind of a toss up between MGM (now Disney Studios) and the Animal Kingdom, but we thought there might be a bit more age appropriate activities for our kids at the Animal Kingdom. We tried to pick activities that we didn't experience before, and it actually worked out quite well.
(BTW, I couldn't find the clips to join 2 umbrella strollers, so we purchased a cheap double umbrella stroller for our trip. It cost around $30/day to rent a double stroller at the park. We paid $80 for this stroller and it held up wonderfully, despite our kids being over the weight limit. Although Ron was initially opposed to the idea of using a stroller, it really was a blessing. The kids weren't as tired, we could move around the parks quicker, and we didn't have to worry about losing them in the swelling crowds after the parades. Just an FYI for anyone who is debating taking a stroller to Disney.)
The first show we watched was Pocahontas and Her Forest Friends. The "cast member" asked Danielle to come up and bang the drum to call Pocahontas. It was very cute. She had to say her name and the state she's from, but I didn't catch that part. This video is from the second part. When she hit the drum, it was actually very loud. I don't know why you can't hear it at all on the video. It was a big deal that Danielle could stand up in front of so many people and talk into the microphone! I'm not sure she could/would have done that when we were there last year. She talked about getting to hit the drum the rest of the day. She was so excited about it.
Later on we watched the Flights of Wonder show and took the train to Rafiki's Planet Watch. After lunch we explored Dinoland. Tyler insisted on riding the Dinosaur ride that terrified him last year. He didn't find it nearly as frightening this time (meaning he didn't cry when he got off of it this time).
Later in the day we took the bus to Downtown Disney. This was something we didn't do last time we visited either. We enjoyed walking around and managed to find a nice Italian restaurant to eat at for dinner. The highlight, though, was the Lego store. It was packed with kids around Tyler's age, all wide-eyed and excited, just like Tyler. Tyler saved his souvenir money for the Lego store and opted to play with Legos rather than take an evening dip in the pool. (All of these are made from Legos.)
Well, they were all glued together and they were very big. I didn't actually try to lift one (considering the hundreds of people around) but I'm sure they're anchored to the ground somehow, too. Kids were actually sitting on the dogs. It was pretty cool. The smaller displays were behind glass.
This started as a way to document the amusing antics of our 2 & 4 year old children several years ago. It has evolved into a great forum for keeping grandparents, friends, and other relatives involved in our daily lives. It is also a good place for me to share what is important in our lives, and to document those things I want to be sure I don't forget.
Wow - how do they keep people from taking away pieces of the lego people?
Well, they were all glued together and they were very big. I didn't actually try to lift one (considering the hundreds of people around) but I'm sure they're anchored to the ground somehow, too. Kids were actually sitting on the dogs. It was pretty cool. The smaller displays were behind glass.
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