We weren't able to decorate the pumpkins yesterday afternoon because we were at the doctor's office. After Danielle's field trip, we had a picnic lunch at the park with Tyler's friend from preschool. On the way to the picnic table, Danielle tripped and twisted her ankle. It swelled up, and she couldn't put any weight on it, so we visited the doctor. Her pediatrician thought it was just a severe sprain but suggested we have xrays taken if it wasn't better by this morning. It wasn't better, so she and I spent our morning at the xray place. (Tyler was in school.) Actually, we had a nice time waiting. We read books, played Uno, and watched the movie in the waiting
room. It was almost fun. It doesn't appear as though she has a fracture, but she still can't put any weight on it. Tyler teased her yesterday about needing a wheelchair, but he wasn't far off. Our neighbors loaned us their umbrella stroller, and we've been moving her around in that. (They don't give kids this young crutches...which is probably a good thing considering how graceful she is anyway.) Tyler feels bad for her and has been super attentive to her. He has been fetching her pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals, and pushing her from one room to the other, so now the princess has a servant. As you might imagine, she is enjoying all the attention. Hopefully she'll be feeling better tomorrow.

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