While I went to garage sales this morning, Ron took the kids to the Kids' Clinic at Home Depot. He wasn't feeling well, so he earned extra "good Daddy" points today. Today the kids made biplanes. We will paint them later this week. The kids seemed to really enjoy making them and were proud to show them off when I got home. (As far as the garage sales went, everyone thought way too much of themselves and their items today and wanted ridiculous prices for used items. Had I found something really good, I would have haggled, but I didn't find anything worth fighting for.)
Tyler had a tball game early this afternoon. He got to play one full inning before it started to storm. We desperately needed the rain, so we couldn't complain too much, but we were all disappointed he didn't get to play more. The inning he did get to play was by far his best yet. He didn't need to use the tee to bat! He hit the first pitch, but it went foul. On the second pitch, he hit a nice, solid grounder. It was a very respectable hit! (It looks like he's using the tee in the picture, but he's not. It was just in between us when I took the picture. Notice the ball above the bat. I think this was the foul ball.) When he was in the field, he got to play second base.
This was by far the most attentive he's been. He was in the "ready" position most of the time and did a great job fielding the ball! He even got to tackle, I mean tag a couple people out at home. Several people told him he did a great job, and the coach high-fived him once. He was very proud of himself...as he should be. It's too bad he didn't get to play the whole game. He was a lot of fun to watch today.
Tyler and Ron built a Lego tower tonight. They used to do this frequently, but it's been a while since they've done this lately. Their goal is to build it up to the ceiling. The thrill is knocking it over. I managed to capture the demolition this time. As a bonus, I also captured one of my all-time favorite sounds - Tyler's spontaneous belly laugh.
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