The kids are looking forward to starting Vacation Bible School (VBS) tomorrow. Ron and I both have fond memories of attending VBS when we were younger. I have been disappointed that our church doesn’t offer VBS but not so disappointed that I wanted to volunteer to organize one. Tyler’s old – Danielle’s new – preschool is affiliated with a church, and they offer VBS. So, the kids are going all this coming week. This also means that I will have
2 hours to myself with
NO KIDS Monday through Friday this week. I’m not real sure how to behave…but I’ll figure it out quickly!
The kids registered in advance and were able to request a buddy they’d like to be placed with in class. Tyler’s best friend Megan requested to be in class with him. He is so excited about getting to see her EVERY day.
I am so entertained by the “relationship” he has with this little girl. He blushes and bobs his head when he talks about her. He wants me to retell the story of her calling him her boyfriend and then covers his mouth and giggles afterward. She declared on the playground one day that she's going to marry him when they grow up. ("I didn't know she was going to do that, Mom!") When we gave her a ride to her gymnastics class a couple weeks ago, she hopped in the car and handed Tyler her bags. “Here, Tyler. Will you please hold these for me?” Without saying a word he grabbed them, held them in the car, and carried them out again for her. At the school picnic on his last day of preschool, she dropped something under a picnic table. He immediately dropped to the ground, crawled under the table, and retrieved it for her. She was very grateful and he was very gentlemanly. They’re only 5 yet it seems they’re already falling into certain “roles” within their friendship.
After his bath tonight he was wiggling around a bit while I was trying to comb his hair. I told him he needed to stand still if he wanted his hair to look nice for Megan. He immediately snapped to attention and barely breathed while I finished his hair. (Of course, he’ll have bed-head by morning, anyway.) When I was done he said, “I want to look really good tomorrow, Mom. Perfect. I want to look perfect for Megan.” He thought for a minute and then continued, “ I want to wear a tie. And a belt. I want to wear a tie and a belt. I want to wear a white shirt and a tie,

black pants, black shoes, and my belt with the black side turned out. That’s what I want to wear.”
I could just envision him showing up to Bible school dressed in his Christmas clothes (which is pretty much the outfit he described). While he’d certainly look handsome, he’d be a bit overdressed for the occasion. Careful not to discourage him, I explained that VBS is kind of like school; you need to wear clothes that will allow you to play and get dirty and have fun. I suggested he choose a nice pair of shorts and a nice shirt instead. He agreed it would probably be a good idea to wear something a little more casual, but decided he wanted to pick his clothes out himself. I’m eager to see what he picks. This should be a fun week for them.