We had to run to the store tonight after dinner but the kids were less than agreeable. They misbehaved in the car on the way there and in the store itself. In fact, they were so naughty in the store that I took them back out to the van, seat belted them in their seats, and then stood outside the van to wait for Ron. When Ron returned, he insisted the kids not speak until we got home.
Danielle's seat is behind mine. When Ron drives, he typically
rests his hand on the back of my seat. Shortly after Ron's no talking decree, we heard a raspy whisper from behind me:
"Tyler, I got Daddy's fingers with my shoe!"
Ron & I couldn't help but laugh. We tried to keep it quiet, but Danielle wasn't fooled.
She whispered "Tyler, Daddy's laughing now."
Tyler replied, "No he's not Danielle. He wouldn't laugh about something like that."

1 comment:
Wow - those are creepy bats!
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