Previously I posted about Tyler’s diligence in picking out the perfect present for Danielle. It was not quite as arduous picking one out for Daddy, but it was close. Tyler decided early on that he

wanted to buy popcorn for Ron. That’s what he got him last year and it worked, so why not do it again this year? Last year Tyler picked out popcorn that was in a Nascar tin. It had brightly colored race cars on it. I guess he was looking for the exact same tin this year. All we could find were popcorn tins with Santas and puppies on them, so Tyler decided he wanted to get Ron something else. He found some Christmas magnets near the wrapping paper and thought surely Dad would like one of those. He considered it further, though, and decided maybe that wasn’t the right thing.

And then he saw “it” – the perfect gift. Tyler gasped and ran over to the shelf. “This is it, Mom!
This is what I what I want to get Dad!” In his little hands he held a decorative nutcracker, covered from hat to boots in shiny sequins! It was a little over the price limit, but I thought it was well worth it! Tyler was super excited, and I couldn’t wait to see the look on Ron’s face. After further inspection, the nutcracker’s leg was scratched, so Tyler settled on one with a “really cool hat”. Although I found the whole thing amusing, this was actually a rather thoughtful gift.

Some weeks ago we were all in a store looking for Christmas decorations. Tyler & Ron looked at a couple giant nutcrackers and commented on how neat they were. In addition to being caught up in the glimmer of the sequins, I think Tyler really thought Ron would like this because of their previous conversation. Tyler picked out some shiny wrapping paper (with blue on it because “that’s Dad’s favorite color”). He proudly wrapped his gift, covered the package with bows, and gently placed it under the Christmas tree. I thought he would burst with pride. He presented it to Ron just as proudly on Christmas morning.

Danielle had heard Tyler talking about getting Ron popcorn and decided she wanted to get him some, too. Well, popcorn was actually her second choice. She
really wanted to get him a stuffed bunny rabbit, but I convinced her Daddy wouldn’t really have time to play with one. On a separate trip to the store, she chose one of the tins covered in puppies wearing red Christmas bows and was quickly satisfied. She was excited and wrapped it immediately, too. Both kids

did a great job keeping Christmas secrets this year, but as soon as she handed the present to Ron on Christmas morning, she proudly announced “It’s poptorn!” (She can’t make the “ka” sound.)
I guess not as much thought went into my gifts. Ron said both kids had specific ideas of what they wanted to get me, but when they found the bath section, the scratch & sniff scents caused them to abandon all other plans.

Did you know someone actually makes a scent called Grapefruit/Tangerine? Or Pomegranate/Mango? For Christmas I received bath gift sets in each scent. The kids couldn’t wait for me to open them so they could scratch the smelly sticker on the cellophane wrappers. (Pictures courtesy of Tyler)

Tyler & Danielle enjoyed exchanging their gifts, too. It was hard to tell if they were more excited about giving their gifts or receiving them. After Danielle opened her gift from Tyler, she put it on the floor and flung her arms around him. It was the perfect reaction and the perfect start to our Christmas morning.

Ron and I weren’t going to buy anything for each other for Christmas this year, but decided within a week or two of Christmas that we could each buy each other one small gift (<$40). I kept my end of the bargain, but Ron did not. (Apparently he had this planned all along.) He presented me with a very nice digital camera. I love to take pictures, but my digital camera broke several months ago. I’ve been using his “inferior” camera since then. I was totally surprised and might have even shed a tear or two. He couldn’t have picked out a more perfect gift for me.
This was one of my favorite Christmases.
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