This morning we went to the zoo with Grandma C. We had a very nice time looking at the new exhibits and listening to the monkeys yell at each other. (Not my monkeys, the real ones at the zoo. And they were actually gibbons, not monkeys.) My monkeys were actually very well behaved…until after lunch. We left the zoo and went to Wendys for lunch. We were getting ready to leave and my hands were full of our lunch trash. Suddenly Tyler knelt down on the floor, leaned forward, and picked up a French fry from the floor with his mouth. He quickly sucked it in before I had a chance to put anything down. The people sitting around us were just as disgusted as I was. On the way out of the restaurant I lectured him on the relationship between germy floors and chronic diarrhea, etc. He continued to chew his fry and smile. Once we got out the door he swallowed loudly and said, “Umm. That was a really good germ fry. It did make me pucker, though.”
Here are a couple other pictures from today, including Danielle’s “really fat monster with lots of hair”:

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