This morning while Danielle was going to the bathroom, she informed me that her poop smelled like potatoes. (Usually she just holds her nose and mutters, "It stanks!")
Later in the day, Tyler came out of the bathroom and announced to Ron that he had to turn the fan on in the bathroom because his (Tyler's) poop smelled so bad. That reminded me of Danielle's potato smelling poop, so I relayed the story to Ron. Ron laughed and asked Tyler if his poop smelled like anything. Tyler smirked and said, "Yeah. It smells like poop." Duh.
I took the kids to the mall today to get pictures taken for Ron for Father's Day. He's complained recently that he doesn't have any updated pictures in his office, so I thought this would be a nice surprise. I know it's a little early, but I was afraid if I waited until closer to Father's Day, they would be busier and I would have to wait longer in the store. The kids were relatively cooperative, and we were able to get at least one decent picture. (I had a free coupon for one picture, so that's all I wanted anyway.) I was a little worried the kids wouldn't be able to keep the secret from Ron, so I asked them if they would like to give Daddy his picture tonight. They both agreed that they wanted to wait for Father's Day to surprise him. So, Danielle helped me find a hiding place, and I thought we were all set until Father's Day. Not so. As soon as Ron walked in the door the very first thing Danielle said was, "Daddy! I have a surprise for you!" Ron thought maybe she had made a picture today or something and asked what the surprise was. "It's pictures Daddy! We did pictures for you!" Tyler rolled his eyes and moaned. Ron got a big grin on his face. Danielle looked very proud. So, Ron got an early Father's Day present tonight.
Finally, I'm posting some pictures from our trip to visit Grandma & Grandpa C yesterday. I set up a kiddie pool for the kids to play in while we were there. I hadn't planned on spending the afternoon playing in the water, though, so I didn't bring swimsuits. All I had was an extra set of clothes for each kid. Tyler's extra clothes included a pair of denim shorts that are just a little too big, as you can see. He kept pulling them up, though, and managed to avoid a full blown wardrobe malfunction.

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