At the beginning of this year I started documenting the amusing one-liners the kids were tossing out in a document I entitled "Laugh Lines". After adding another entry to it tonight and reading through some of the past comments, I thought I would share a few.
"Mommy! Stop picking at your nose. That's gross!" Tyler (1/06)
After going to the bathroom, Grandpa C told Tyler to "hurry & zip up". Tyler replied, "Hold on a minute, Grandpa. I just peed, so now I have to wiggle it." Tyler (1/06)
While playing, Ron had to take a VERY IMPORTANT bathroom break! Once done, Tyler & Daddy resumed their game of hide & seek in the house. When Tyler found Daddy, Daddy asked him how he knew where he was. Tyler replied, "I smelled you back there." Tyler (2/06)
I grabbed a wiggly Tyler to trim his fingernails and Danielle cried out, "Let go of Ty, Mommy! He's my brother! He's my brother!" Danielle (2/06)
Danielle crawled up on the couch beside Tyler, carrying a book. “I’m going to read to you, Ty” she said. Some silence passed & I looked in at the two of them. They were both looking at the book & Danielle was turning the pages. I said, “Danielle, you’re not reading it.” Tyler said, “She’s reading it, Mom. She just doesn’t know the words.” - Tyler, age 4 & Danielle, age 2 (2/06)
Tyler made a nice picture at school today. It had lots of colors and looked like it was done with finger paints. I said, “Tyler, did you make this with finger paint?” He replied, “No. We used those hairy things you clean your ears with.” – Tyler (3/06)
Tyler & Danielle were wrestling & Danielle fell. Tyler said, “Danielle, did you hurt your buttock?” Danielle replied, “I don’t have a buttock, Ty, just underwear! Just underwear!” – Tyler, age 4; Danielle age 2 (3/06)

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