At the beginning of this year I started documenting the amusing one-liners the kids were tossing out in a document I entitled "Laugh Lines". After adding another entry to it tonight and reading through some of the past comments, I thought I would share a few.
"Mommy! Stop picking at your nose. That's gross!" Tyler (1/06)
After going to the bathroom, Grandpa C told Tyler to "hurry & zip up". Tyler replied, "Hold on a minute, Grandpa. I just peed, so now I have to wiggle it." Tyler (1/06)
In other news, Danielle learned how to pedal her bike today! Won't be long before she's racing Tyler and making him work for the win!
"Danielle, why are you growing up so fast?!" "So I can be a mommy!"
"Did you do anything to make her want to bite you, Tyler?" "No. I just lifted her toe."
"I want to jump on your belly and bite your pants off." (Tyler said this to Ron when encouraging him to go change out of his work clothes. The kids like to attack him after he's changed. I promise he is NOT repeating something he's overheard.)
My favorite came from the Cinnabon lady at the mall...
"Your mommy's going to spank you right in the middle of the store, and I'm not gonna tell a soul!"
Tyler: "Y O Y O spells 'yo-yo'"
Danielle: "Y P T E spells 'yo-yo'"
Tyler: "D O G spells 'dog'"
Danielle: "D G G spells 'dog'" and to one-up him, "T T G spells 'kitty'"
Tyler: "S T O P spells 'stop'"
Danielle: "S P T T spells 'stop'"
I turned around to look at my scholars. Both kids looked proud as could be.This started as a way to document the amusing antics of our 2 & 4 year old children several years ago. It has evolved into a great forum for keeping grandparents, friends, and other relatives involved in our daily lives. It is also a good place for me to share what is important in our lives, and to document those things I want to be sure I don't forget.