2020 is a big year. It’s the year Tyler graduates from high school. When they welcomed the class of 2020 at kindergarten registration all those years ago, it seemed so far away. Now it’s here, knocking on the door. So much of what has become “routine” for our family will change this coming year. We will celebrate some “lasts” and also some new “firsts” and hopefully lots of memorable moments in between those times. It will definitely be a year of change.

2019 was a good year. (We have been blessed to have so many good years.) There are some moments that stand out - Danielle’s school ball team winning the state championship, Tyler’s final high school marching band season, our Thanksgiving trip to the Smoky Mountains, all the softball adventures (camps, games, road trips), the senior moments (pictures, college tours, college applications & acceptances), Tyler’s 18th birthday. And then there are all the little moments along the way. The filler between the big moments. Most of those moments are special times that were made special just because we were together: Laughing over gingerbread houses, a walk at the park with the kids, being silly in the condo elevator, giggling over failed family pictures, time with extended family. So many happy little moments filled our year.
Here’s to a 2020 filled with many more happy little moments! Happy New Year!