Who doesn't love a long weekend?!
We kicked things off with a marching band performance Friday evening. The opening and closing acts were some high school football. (We won.) |
It's only the 2nd week and the band already sounded great! I'm looking forward to hearing them improve as the season progresses. |
Danielle and I went to the park on Saturday. She was trying to take a picture of something around the corner. |
We also attempted to watch some friends' soccer game. We managed to catch about 10 minutes of it before it was delayed for thunder. It was a pretty torrential downpour, so we left. It was still fun. |
Seems like the best sunsets are the ones right after a storm. |
Danielle had softball practice after church on Sunday. |
I took this before we left for practice because she needed a new headshot for her softball profile. How can a haircut make someone look so much older?! |
Practice was about an hour away, so Ron and I entertained ourselves at a nearby park until it was over. He caught a couple bass while I looked for things to photograph. |
And we still have one more day!