We are so very close to the end of the school year. It seems like it was just Christmas, so I don't know how it's almost the end of May.
Even my produce was happy about the end being in sight. (This was last week. We have even less days now!)

School softball is over, and it was a success. Danielle lead the team in batting average, on base percentage and stolen bases. Of course, the 1 game Ron's parents came to see was by far her worst game and the only game her team lost in 2 years! But that's the way it goes sometimes. Despite the horrible weather, we managed to get in 19 games this season. The team ended with a 2 year record of 38-1. It's probably a good thing we're moving on to high school ball now. None of the jr. high teams want to play us. On a side note, we did find out that the one team that beat us was cheating with their batting order. They kept batting 2 of their best batters out of order so they were up much more frequently than they should have been. When our bookkeeper called them out, they said there was a mistake because some of the girls were wearing sweatshirts originally and had taken them off, showing a different number than what was in the lineup. We didn't play well that game, but it stings a bit that the other team cheated to get the advantage. Anyhow, 38-1 is pretty darn good. Thanks to my parents & Uncle Ron for coming to watch, too. Hopefully high school ball will be even more exciting next year!

Last Friday was the last jr. high dance of the season. Our high school only has 2 dances a year - homecoming and prom - and homecoming is the only one open to all the grades. Neither of those are informal, either. Danielle isn't really a dancer, but she enjoys hanging out with her friends. Hard to tell what next year will bring, but she certainly enjoyed the school dances these past 2 years. The theme for this dance was red, white, and blue.
Tyler had a band concert. They sounded amazing. He also had an awards night for band. He received a certificate, service bar, and his music letter. I didn't realize he'd get his music letter this year, so that was a nice surprise. They didn't receive the letters in time to hand them out at the awards night, so I'll include a picture of that when he finally gets it. Tyler works hard at band. He puts a lot of time and effort into it, and I love listening to him play. I'm proud of him for working so hard.
Danielle had a couple pieces of artwork in the art fair. This is her cat. I'm eager to see what she does in the HS art classes.
I have 4 more days of school lunches. Tyler has 1 regular day and then 3 days of exams. Danielle has an algebra exam, an awards ceremony, an all school picnic, and a last day of school pool party for the 8th graders. We've almost made it.