Lazy summer days are the best. Or so I've heard. After volleyball open gym Wednesday morning, we picked Grandpa C up at work and took him to lunch as an early birthday celebration. It was nice to spend time with just him.
That evening Danielle's team played in the semi-final game for their weekly league. Tyler joined me, which was really nice. They won, so they play the championship game on Monday.
Clara had a checkup Thursday afternoon. She's healthy and happy. Danielle had softball practice and a hitting lesson that evening. Our commute to the softball field is always during rush hour and it is a pain in the butt. It was raining last night, so of course that made it even worse. People are not very courteous drivers any more. I lost count of the number of times I was cut off because people didn't want to wait their turn in the long line of traffic.

Today Danielle had 2 softball games for this weekend's tournament. She wasn't feeling very well but wanted to play, so we did the motrin/Tylenol every 2 hours trick and that helped. Some parents medicate their children to send them off to daycare or school, but we do it for softball. (We just stay home from school!!) Tonight she played a team that had her assistant coach from last year and several girls that she knew on it. She really wanted to be there for that game. We lost, but Danielle had a great game. She got on base every at bat, stole some bases, scored twice, and had 2 great plays in the field. Between the games we wasted time in the air conditioning at Burger King and Petland. The puppy kisses helped her feel better. :) After her games tonight, we met Grandma & Grandpa C & Tyler for dinner since today is Grandpa's actual birthday.
Danielle with her friends from the opposing team...and another friend who stayed after her game to cheer them all on. |
Ron was in Canada this week. He was supposed to be home yesterday morning, but his flight was cancelled. Then the rescheduled flight was cancelled. And then the next rescheduled flight was cancelled. Seriously. He finally got home after 8pm tonight.
Tomorrow we have a couple more softball games and then I think we'll have Sunday off. Next week's schedule looks about the same. I think Tyler is going to an amusement park with Uncle Ron to experience some big roller coasters. We're trying to let him have as much time at home as he wants to do what he wants because he's been gone so much and band camp is coming up soon. That goes all day every day for the 2 weeks before school starts, so "so long" summer once August 1 hits!
We've seen a lot of beautiful sunsets this week as we've been out and about. I've asked Danielle to take pictures of them as we drive home, but I always manage to find an extra selfie or two, too.
We do enjoy our summer days, but they are anything but lazy.