We enjoyed Christmas Eve with my mom, stepdad, & brother. We go to church together, and then out for dinner. After dinner we come back to our house for birthday cake (my brother's) and presents. It's how we celebrate Christmas Eve, and we all look forward to it.
Tyler read the Bible story for us again this year, but insisted on reading it from his Bible app. Danielle performed her usual tasks. She amused herself with the cookies for santa this year. I came in the kitchen and found her quickly eating off the cookie's head.
I think Tyler had a touch of the flu on Christmas day. He had the flu shot, so I think he got a more mild version than he would have otherwise. His fever didn't shoot up until evening, so he was able to enjoy most of Christmas day.
The kids are allowed to open stockings and exchange their gifts before breakfast. |
Tyler amused himself by putting several books from his bookshelves in everyone's boxes to make them heavier than necessary. |
Tyler had diarrhea in his stocking. |
Danielle asked for a trampoline for Christmas. It was way too big & heavy to wrap, so we bought her a small exercise trampoline and wrapped that. She was trying to be nice about it when she opened it. :) There was an envelope on the back with a picture of her "real" trampoline in it. |
Christmas aftermath. These are always my favorite pictures. |
A couple of my gifts from the kids. The feeder is from Tyler and the squirrel is from Danielle. There was a woodpecker working on it today. |
We always have a nice, relaxing Christmas, and this year was no different. We're are blessed to be able to put presents under the tree & food on the table, and for all of us to be happy and healthy and together. Ron has the same amount of time off that the kids and I do, so we've all been hanging out in our pjs, watching movies, and playing with our new toys. It's a very nice way to usher out 2016.