I'm pretty sure we're caught in a time warp over here. The days have been speeding by lately. It's the middle of November and this is only my 4th post! We have just been incredibly busy with, well, being a family of 4 with 2 grade schoolers. I am looking forward to Thanksgiving break at the end of next week! No work, no school, no doctor's or dentist's appointments, no practices of any sort for at least 3 days, 5 if you include the weekend. Sounds wonderful.

This Saturday Danielle's baton group held a bake sale to help raise money to purchase more lights for our community's Christmas tree. They performed at the tree lighting ceremony last year and will again this year, too. Danielle made turkey cupcakes. We boxed them up into little boxes and they looked so cute! They were a hit and all of them sold within the first hour. If we have time, I think we'll make some for our Thanksgiving feast, too.

We took a break from some of our home improvement projects this weekend to run to the hardware store and then out for dinner. The kids were hungry and that tends to make them cranky. They were just picking at each other. That night we had several conversations about treating each other the way
you would want to be treated...not the way that person
deserves to be treated. It really is a hard lesson. Danielle is much quicker to bestow grace than Tyler is. He's more of an eye for an eye type of guy. He's also a bit of a smart mouth. While we were in the check-out line at the store I saw him get up in Danielle's face and blow in her face. When I yelled at him about it, he quickly pointed out that Danielle had done it to him first. When I reminded him of our earlier conversations he replied, "I know, Mom. Since she treated
me like that, I just figured she
wanted me to do it back."