I've been sick this week and feel like I just can't get everything done that needs done. Ever have one of those weeks?
Tyler started swim lessons on Tuesday. Since he didn't want to play basketball this year, we thought he should find something to stay active once it got too cold to play outside every day. Swim lessons were a great idea. He really enjoyed the first class and can't wait to go back.
Danielle's baton group is practicing for their Christmas performances. I was going to upload a video preview, but after waiting for over an hour for the video to load, I changed my mind. You'll have to use your imagination.
While I was sitting at the kitchen table this morning I heard a lot of very loud squawking from the bluejays in the backyard. I looked out to see a mass exodus of house sparrows as this guy landed in one of our trees (I took this through the window):

I'm pretty sure it's an adult cooper's hawk, although it's small for a cooper's. Their eyes change from yellow to red when they become adults, and I think his still look a little yellowish. This makes me think he may not be a mature adult quite yet. You can see how his markings are different than
this young cooper's that flew into our window last month, though. I love it when these hawks make a pitstop in our yard. I've never seen them catch anything, and they're so big and beautiful. I don't think the bluejays share my sentiment.
Later this afternoon we had a downy woodpecker couple visit. I really enjoy watching the woodpeckers, too. This is the male.

The kids' school Halloween parties are tomorrow. Danielle is really looking forward to showing her costume to everyone. She has tried to keep it a secret. Hopefully the day will live up to her expectations!