Wednesday, July 27, 2011
More Milkweed Visitors
I've had a couple other visitors since I posted the other day.
Don't know what this is. It looked like a bee when it was flying but it doesn't look like one when it's sitting still.
A Japanese beetle, so interesting looking but so destructive

Finally, a lone ladybug. Sadly, I think she's in over her head. Hopefully she'll invite some friends over for an aphid tasting party.

Another bumble bee, going about his bee business
Milkweed bugs - Suddenly I have a ton of them! See the vicious sucking "tube"?! Also very destructive.

Monday, July 25, 2011
Vacation Prep

If we hadn't used up all our duct tape for crafts awhile ago, this would have been a pretty cheap craft. Since I had to replenish our stock, I let them each pick out a unique duct tape color and I picked a neutral color to match. We started with a 16"x30" rectangle measured out on a kitchen trash bag that had been cut open & taped to the table. Tyler chose to make his stripes run parallel to the short side. Danielle made hers follow the long side. I can see how younger kids might have a hard time putting the tape on by themselves, but Tyler & Danielle did great. After all the tape was down, we cut the rectangle out and added (2) 2' lengths of cord to each short side, folding a small section over and taping it down to make a sleeve for
the cord. We folded the rectangle in half and taped up the sides. Then we tied a cord from one side to a cord from the other side and repeated it with the other cords to create a drawstring. The drawstring is long enough the kids can wear the bags on their backs or over a shoulder.

Sunday, July 24, 2011
Milkweed Visitors
I've had lots of milkweed visitors lately...

Different varieties of flies
WAAAAAAY too many aphids (I just can't keep up with them. Was hoping that alien shaped bug on the left is a lady bug larvae, but I don't think it's the right shape/color.)
Bees and wasps

Even a young hummingbird
But still no monarchs!
We had eggs around this time last year, but didn't have any until early August the year before. Hopefully they're still coming. (And hopefully the aphids won't suck my milkweed dry before they get here!!)

Different varieties of flies

But still no monarchs!
We had eggs around this time last year, but didn't have any until early August the year before. Hopefully they're still coming. (And hopefully the aphids won't suck my milkweed dry before they get here!!)
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Uneventful Update
I have thought about blogging several times this week, I just haven't had anything to blog about! It has been extremely hot this week. With the heat index, the temps have been over 100* every day. It's just too hot to do anything outside, so we really haven't done much of anything worth writing about.
On Monday Mamaw took us to see Mr. Popper's Penguins. It's nothing like the book, but it's a very cute movie. (The book was really cute, too.) We didn't leave the house during the day on Tuesday or Wednesday. That's extremely rare for us. I actually managed to get my house clean, but it didn't last long. On Thursday we went to Donatos for lunch. The kids redeemed their summer reading program coupons for free pizzas, so lunch cost <$1.50 for their drinks. We saw Rio at the $1 theater. Although the movie has been playing there for several weeks, everyone else must have had the same idea. The theater was packed. That movie was really cute, too. I have to confess that I brought snacks from home. I did buy a pop for the 3 of us to share. It was the most expensive part of our day - $4.25 for 1 pop!! Believe me, if I could have smuggled that in in my pockets, I would have! After the movie we used some coupons we had to get free ice cream sandwiches at the ice cream stand in town. I got groceries on Friday. See how exciting our week has been?!
The kids attended VBS at Mamaw's church in the evenings
this week. They really enjoyed it. Our church is charging $25 PER KID for VBS this year, so we've ruled that one out. They have gone with Mamaw the last 2 years and loved it, so we were going to go there anyway. By the time VBS was over and we got home each night, it was pretty late, so there was a lot of sleeping in this week, too. The VBS theme was Pandamania. That seems to be one of the popular themes this year. It looks like it was vaguely based off Kung Fu Panda's popularity. Although the mask is cute, I think Danielle looks kind of creepy with a panda face. And I wish someone would outlaw kazoos as VBS crafts or birthday party prizes. (Sorry, Mamaw. ;) The pandas on them were cute, though.)

This coming week we plan to go to the library, go swimming, possibly fit in an ice skating trip with one of Tyler's friends, and get ready for vacation. It would be nice if the heat would let up just a little. The kids are dying to ride their new bikes, and the near-by fishing pond was recently restocked. There's still so much to do before summer is over.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Blast from the Past - 2002/2003

This week I have been working on pictures from Tyler's 1st - 2nd birthday. He was soooo sweet! Here are some pictures I wanted to share.

Saturday, July 16, 2011
New Bikes

I say shopping, but we didn't look around too
much. Ron and I did a little reseach online, found that Walmart was by far the least expensive, and narrowed down their options to only a couple choices. I can't believe some people spend $200 on a bike for a kid! Thankfully our kids don't care about that and were super excited over their choices. They both needed new bike helmets, so we got those, too. (Danielle's was held together with duct tape!)

Thursday, July 14, 2011
Spray Park Fun

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