This weekend was our annual "summer fun fund raiser". We didn't have any big ticket items this year, so we had to raise our funds a quarter at a time. This was certainly not my biggest sale in terms of money made, but we did ok. We did get rid of "junk", though, so that was a very good thing. My mom, brother, and two of my aunts came to peddle their wares, too. It was entertaining, to say the least.
On Saturday Tyler sold pink lemonade and Danielle sold brownies. Between the two of them, they made a little over $30. They had fun. They had
more fun shopping the other neighborhood sales. (We made it a community garage sale weekend this year.)
The best "deal" of the day, in Tyler's opinion,
was a sparkly red Christmas tree our neighbors were selling. I cannot begin to describe Tyler's excitement when he ran back home to tell us about his find! We had given him $5, but the tree only cost $1, so he was excited about finding a bargain, too. Once he had the tree tucked away in his room, he begged Grandma to take him back out to find some Christmas lights. He didn't have to walk very far to find some. Granted, they weren't LED lights, but he thought they would do. He put them on his tree and was delighted with the finished look.
Somehow, close to the end of the sale, Tyler ended up back over at the neighbor's house and came home with the little red tree's 8' "Daddy". The trees actually belonged to our neighbor's sister-in-law who worked at Old Navy. The trees had been holiday props in the store at one point. She didn't want to drag the big one back home, so she gave it to Tyler for free.
Tyler was so excited to have the pair! The only thing he's missing now is another set of lights, which we will attempt to remedy with a search of the basement later this week.
Tyler was super excited about his garage sale finds. I found the whole thing rather amusing. Ron was a little annoyed that we were bringing junk home rather than getting rid of it, but that's the danger of the "neighborhood garage sale". Who knows...maybe next year we'll get $1.50 at our sale for that little red sparkly Christmas tree.