Tyler’s Weekly Reader was about the election, so after discussing it today, his class voted for president. Ron and I rarely discuss politics in front of the kids, so I didn’t think he knew who we’d vote for. Since kids usually hold the same political and religious views as their parents, I was eager to hear who he voted for.
This was our conversation:
Me: “Well, who did you vote for?”
T: “Barack Obama. But when I first heard his name, I thought it was Broccoli Obama.” (giggle giggle)
I was genuinely surprised. I guess I thought he’d pick the grandpa-like guy.
Me: “Obama! Why did you pick him? He doesn’t believe some of the same things we believe.”
T: “Have you seen them?! Have you seen the other guy? He’s fat!”
I didn’t expect that answer either! I looked at the pictures in his Weekly Reader. To be fair, McCain’s cheeks did look a little puffy.
Me: “He’s not fat.”
T: “Yes he is. Have you seen his
whole body?”
We moved our conversation outside at this point and continued it as Tyler got ready to ride his bike.
Me: “So, you voted just based on appearance?”
T: “No. Well… you know how America has the eagle? Well, one guy has the elephant and the other guy has the donkey. I like the donkey better, so I voted for Obama!”