After picking Danielle up from preschool this morning, the kids and I headed to the store to buy decorations and gifts. Then we hurried home to bake a cake. I figured we had just enough time to bake a cake, wrap presents, decorate the house, & decorate the cake. We finished everything around 3pm. 20 minutes (+ driving time) to spare. Then Ron called...
His flight ended up being delayed over 3 hours and didn't finally land until 6:50 tonight! The kids usually go to bed between 7 & 7:30, especially on school nights, but there was no way I could put them to bed after waiting ALL day to see Daddy & to celebrate with him.

I know Ron was tired, but he was so good with the kids. They were so excited to give him their gifts. They were much more thoughtful this year, too. Danielle wanted to buy Ron “a football or a buckeye costume – but it will have to be a really big costume so it will fit.” Fortunately for Ron we found a football first. Tyler decided to get Ron a bag of spicy Doritos and a 2 liter of Diet Coke (just in time for the Super Bowl). Not too bad.

Here are some pictures from today.

I gave the kids a little more freedom with the crepe paper today.

I love the way Danielle is anticipating Ron’s reaction (which was perfect).