Tonight was Tyler's kindergarten orientation. He

got to meet his teacher, see his classroom, explore the bus, and check out the cafeteria. He found his desk, which was divinely placed directly in front of the teacher's desk, and introduced himself to the little girl sitting across from him. He even tried to shake her hand! The kids sat at their desks and colored a picture of a school bus while his teacher addressed the parents. I didn't realize how "together" he was until watching some of the other kids and listening to our neighbor talk about all the issues her son was worrying about. I was so proud of him. (I also didn't realize how much taller he is than most kids his age - his legs didn't fit under his desk!)

Ron and I were SO relieved after meeting his teacher today. She has EXPERIENCE! Both as a teacher and a mom. I didn't realize how important the mom experience really was until I became one. If we had had teenagers of our own before Ron was a youth pastor, I'm certain it would have improved the way we related to them or things we did with them. (I remember my mom saying the same thing about my youth pastor. She was right.) Before our pediatrician had children, she could only relate to me through her work experience and text book knowledge, not as an emotional, over-reacting mother of a sick child. That's how we felt about Tyler's childless preschool teacher, too. His teacher
this year has been teaching for 20 years. She took a break from teaching to stay home with her children and then came back. This year she sent her oldest son off to college. She has
Our school district starts school next week. The kindergarteners are starting on a staggered

schedule the following week. Half his class will attend on Tuesday, the other half, including Tyler, will attend on Friday, September 7. There are 18 kids in his class, including Tyler. He will attend school full days every Tuesday and Friday and alternate Wednesdays. Given the choice between being picked up/dropped off or riding the bus, he has chosen to ride the bus. He's pretty excited because every Friday is pizza day. He's ready to go.
We are leaving for an impromptu vacation in the mountains tomorrow. We thought we'd get away as a family one last time before school started. We haven't told the kids we're going and are hoping they will be pleasantly surprised.