Wednesday, January 31, 2007
A Potentially Shocking Experience
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Happy Birthday to Daddy!
We headed out to the Dollar Store, where Tyler announced to the man behind the counter, "Today's my daddy's birthday! We're buying him presents." To which the man behind the counter said, "Well good. Tell him happy birthday from me." And Tyler responded: "I see you have a dog back there." And the man behind the counter added: "Yep. Tell your daddy the dog says happy birthday too." I believe we had the exact same conversation last year. Ahhh...traditions.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Udderly Ridiculous

Does anyone else notice anything anatomically incorrect on this male cow?
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Just for Laughs
Impress Them on Your Children
On our way to class tonight, Tyler broke the silence by asking, “Mom, where is Heaven?” Good question. How do you answer that?! For Christmas Tyler received a couple books (one from Grandma & Grandpa R and one from Aunt Barb) that talked about space, space shuttles, the moon, rockets, etc. I think that’s where this next question stemmed from: “Is it past space? If I took a rocket past the earth and through space, is Heaven on the other side? When I’m bigger I’m going to try to take a rocket to Heaven.” I don’t know how to explain where Heaven is, but I do know how to get there, and how wonderful to have the chance to share that with my son in such a casual way. I replied, “You can’t get to Heaven on a rocket. The Bible says the only way you can get to Heaven is through Jesus. He’s the only One that can take you there.” We talked about believing in Jesus (“I do believe!”), asking for forgiveness for the bad things we’ve done, and asking Jesus to live in our hearts and help us be good. I'm so thankful for the opportunity to “impress them on your children…when you walk [or drive] along the road.”
Today Tyler has been obsessed with the thought of becoming an “animal rescuer” when he grows up (in addition to being an astronaut, I guess). All day he’s talked about how he will rescue forest animals, how he will care for them, what kind of truck he’ll need to drive in the forest, where he’ll live, how Danielle will help him, how proud I’ll be, etc. He has talked about it ALL day long. After our talk about Heaven, he resumed his fantasy of becoming an animal rescuer. At one point in the conversation he was talking about the truck he’ll need to drive through the woods. He said it would have a flashing siren light on top so people would know he was coming. I asked why he would need the flashing light in the woods, but he wisely said, “I’ll need it on the road on my way to the woods.” Oh. Right. Then he said, “God will look down and see a little flashing siren in His hand.” I thought I knew where he was going with this, but I really wanted to hear him say it. I asked, “Really? Why is that?” I got the answer I was hoping to hear, “Because God is so big. He holds the earth in His hand.”
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Our Grocery Trip
I forgot to blog about this earlier this week. I don’t know how this one almost slipped my mind.
On Monday Tyler’s preschool was cancelled due to the snow & ice. Frankly, I thought they were being a little wimpy. I tried to reason with his teacher when she called, but she insisted there was NO SCHOOL. Tyler was thrilled with his first “snow day”.
Mondays are my grocery shopping days. I usually perform this dreaded task while Tyler is in school. Danielle typically rides in the little truck in the front of the cart and entertains herself. I’ve given up trying to buy a full cart of groceries with BOTH kids, so this Monday I went to the grocery store with the play area. Usually the kids really enjoy this, they behave themselves well (for them), and my shopping is therefore upgraded to bearable.
This Monday I dropped the kids off, got my little wristband that coordinates with the number on the kids’ name tags, and hurried off to get started. I was making great progress when I heard an overhead page: “Attention shoppers, this is an Eagle’s Nest page for the caregiver with wristband #4. Please return to the Eagle’s Nest.” I cringed and checked my wristband, #6. Whew! I continued on. 30 seconds later the page was repeated: “Attention shoppers, this is an Eagle’s Nest page for the caregiver with wristband #4 AND the caregiver with wristband #6. Please return to the Eagle’s Nest.” Usually this means Danielle has to use the restroom. For some reason I didn’t think that was it this time. Sometimes moms just know.
I got to the play area after the caregiver with wristband #4 and waited my turn. The play area lady busied herself with #4 mom and avoided eye contact with me. (I know this sounds paranoid, but it’s true.) Meanwhile, Danielle peered around the counter and yelled out, “Tyler bit me on the butt! He bit me on the butt.” I mouthed, “Ok. Be quiet,” but it didn’t really matter. She said it a couple more times then returned to watching Cars.
When mom #4 and daughter left to use the potty, the play area lady turned to me. “I was reading a book to Tyler and Danielle when another family needed checked in. I left to check them in. Then I heard Danielle crying. Apparently Tyler didn’t think she was sharing enough so he bit her on the butt. I thought I misheard her, but I didn’t. It was the butt. He bit her on the butt. I’m sorry to bother you, but I can’t look to be sure she’s ok. It was hard enough that she was crying, and I wanted to be sure she was ok.”
Here are the thoughts that crossed my head, in order:
1. Great, a witness (the other family)
2. Of course, it’s Tyler
3. Biting? Is he 2?
4. The butt. Always the butt. WHY the butt?!
5. She’s dramatic. No need to look.
6. Act like I’m concerned about her butt anyway
7. I’m going to kill him.
I apologized for his misbehavior and removed him from the play area. He didn’t have much to say in his defense. She wasn’t sharing. He bit her. Why the butt? Just because. Danielle stayed to play. I resumed my shopping, purposefully walking fast enough that Tyler had to hustle to keep up. I rushed through the rest of my shopping, checked out, and picked up Danielle.
The play area lady told Tyler she hoped he would be allowed to come back next time and gave me a kind smile. At this point I was feeling a bit depressed. Seems like I’m always correcting behavior that shouldn’t need to be corrected. (Really! Biting at his age! We won't even discuss the location!) At least I made someone else’s day. That other mom probably went home and told her husband, “At least our kid’s not as bad as that butt biter at the grocery store!”
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Too Bored to Sleep?
Here are some other pictures from today.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
FINALLY! Winter is here!
Friday, January 19, 2007
I thought that was a beautiful image. My 5 year old believes the Almighty God would personally want to sit and play with him.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Are You Talking to Me?!
We don't go to the airport with Ron very often. Although it's a little easier now, I have a difficult time dropping him off and leaving him there. The pick up is always wonderful, though. Without fail, this beautiful tear-jerking scene plays out:
I see Ron before the kids do and point him out. They jump up and catch a glimpse of him. Then they take off, both of them, yelling "Daaaaadddddyyyy!!" all the way across the room. It doesn't matter how far away he is or who might be in the way. Ron becomes the only person in that airport and nothing can keep them from him. When they reach Ron, he bends down to them and they jump up and hug his neck (or whatever part they can reach), still squealing "Daddy!" It's as if he'd been gone months rather than days. The welcome he receives is fitting for a king, and it always always brings tears to my eyes.
Quite often this scene evokes "awes" from those sitting nearby. Today I caught the woman next to me wiping her eyes.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
An Investment of Time & Love
Grandpa said this is what went on at his end once it was finished:

When they discussed taking it upstairs, Tyler wanted to cover it up so they could unveil it. Tyler made Grandpa cover it up before bringing it upstairs from the basement, just in case we walked in. Once it was upstairs, Tyler called and begged us to come home. Then he insisted they sit at the table with their hands on the cover, just waiting for the “big” moment. After several more minutes, Grandpa moved to the couch but Tyler still waited patiently at the table, his hand on the towel. Grandpa said every time he heard a noise Tyler would make Grandpa look out the window for us. (He couldn’t leave the table.) Grandpa wanted to turn the tv on, but Tyler was concerned they wouldn’t be able to hear our car. Grandpa convinced Tyler to take the towel off so he could take a picture. Then they practiced unveiling it and saying “ta da”! Grandpa said Tyler sat patiently at the table like this for well over ½ an hour. He was so excited.
When we finally got back, Tyler and Grandpa were waiting at the table. In the middle of the table sat the boat, draped in a towel so it could be unveiled before our eyes. With a “ta da”, Tyler and Grandpa whipped the towel off to reveal the most special sailboat. Tyler was bursting with pride (Grandpa looked pretty proud, too). Tyler carried the boat around the house and even took it with him when he, Grandpa, and Danielle went for a walk around the block. All evening he kept returning to the boat, admiring it and touching it. Talking about what they did here and how they did that. At dinner Tyler insisted on rearranging our seats so he could sit next to Grandpa.

On the way home Tyler asked if he could take a bath with his boat tonight. I denied the bath request (too late) but tried to prepare him for the realization that his boat may not float. He responded with, “It will still be a great boat even if it doesn’t float. But Grandpa said wood floats, so it will float.” Grandpa said it, it must be so. End of discussion.

I think Grandpa will remember their special time, too. When Grandpa forwarded me the pictures tonight, he added, “When we went for a walk we passed some people on the sidewalk and he proudly showed them the boat. He treated it like it was special. It did this grandpa’s heart good.”
Friday, January 12, 2007
The Vacuuming Phenomenon and Other Things
Here are the “other things”:
In a memorable break-through moment tonight at dinner, Danielle successfully spelled her name (DANI)! She did it out of the blue, by herself, and was SO proud of herself when I practically exploded with excitement.
After Tyler got home from school today, I asked him if he thought he could write all his ABCs. I don’t know why, but we’ve just never tried them all in one sitting. He was excited to try it and did great!

Later he was watching the Spongebob episode where Spongebob had to write an essay for Boating School. The